Terah Footprint Program sustainable wheat

Terah, Dossche Mills Footprint Program

Welcome to Terah, Dossche Mills Footprint Program, the network and platform to actively share solutions that grow low-carbon wheat and realize a large-scale and long-term impact on sustainability. With sustainable flour, Dossche Mills is setting a high standard and our aim is to achieve a 50% reduction in CO2 from our flour by 2030. Dossche Mills is playing a pioneering role in the transition to a climate-neutral wheat value chain.

Sustainable growthSustainable wheat

Dossche Mills as pioneer throughout the wheat chain

50% CO₂ reduction on wheat cultivation by 2030. That’s the goal. Today, we are tackling the global climate challenge by accomplishing progress for everyone: the environment, the food industry as well as society. We share practical know-how and solutions for the best results in the right place.

Terah is the active connector in the value chain and drives impactful transformation, serving all our customers with the production of high-quality, low-carbon flour. We collaborate with both cooperatives and suppliers and offer farmers the expertise and flexibility to decide which measures to implement. Weighing impact against costs, we define and develop the most efficient levers.

Dossche Mills answers the demand for higher volumes of low-carbon wheat

Dossche Mills sets the bar high and is aiming for a 50% reduction in CO2 by 2030. To achieve that goal – converting sustainable wheat into sustainable flour – Dossche Mills is building partnerships with the cooperatives and farmers from Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany who grow and supply the wheat. Dossche Mills plays a pioneering role in the production process of sustainable wheat and we strive for far-reaching cooperation throughout the wheat chain.

Climate change is accelerating and agriculture is responsible for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Dossche Mills is working on flour that reduces CO2 emissions, improves biodiversity, soil and resilience.

In order to grow our wheat with regenerative agricultural practices and using fertilizers more efficiently, leading to real impact for both the farmer and nature, we invest in extensive expertise. Dossche Mills thus addresses the causes at the source. Together, we take the right measures to grow more high-quality wheat that emits less carbon.

Since flour is a crucial lever for decarbonising the economy, sustainable flour will help all our partners. Climate change is a shared responsibility. That's why Dossche Mills is prepared to invest by setting up long-term partnerships.

Sustainability is central to our family business, and that's why we've set ambitious goals for offering sustainably grown wheat.