World Flour, Dossche Mills export division
View our wide range of export products
World Flour is the export division of Dossche Mills, a leading producer of high quality grain derived products for processing in food, feed and non-food applications. As a highly innovative and solution driven company, Dossche Mills supplies products for a wide variety of food applications. Such as bread, pastry and pasta.
Through years of international experience, World Flour easily exports the products to all parts of the world. To ensure quick and efficient transport all production facilities are favourably located in or close to the main ports of Holland.Presling, coasters and containers at client's convenience.Dossche Mills is BRC, Riskplaza and GMP+ certified. For more information please feel free to contact the following representatives for the non-European food industry.

Flinn stands for Flour Innovations. And this is exactly what we do; developing innovative solutions tailored to the customer’s needs.
We are specialised in the production and development of physically treated wheat flour and mixes used as cake flour, coating, texturizer or carrier in food. We partner up with food companies to optimize taste, texture, shelf-life and profitability of their brand and products.
Our focus is on creating innovative ingredients and compositions. We leverage our scientific knowledge, creative approach and continuous market research to offer ingredients and mixes best suited to the customer's production process and the global customer requirements.

For more information please feel free to contact the following representatives for the non-European food industry.
Phone: +31 010 423 8911
E-mail: backoffice@dosschemills.com